Voces Inocentes (Innocent Voices): Film & Global Policy

INNOCENT VOICES, is set in 1980’s in El Salvador where on a boy’s twelfth birthday he is enlisted automatically in the army. The eleven-year-old boy Chava (Carlos Padilla), spends his 11th year chasing a first love, shielding siblings from bullets, listening tohis priest’s advice, testing his mother and taking on the role of his absent father. His mother Kella (Leonor Varela), struggles to protect her family in the middle of a civil war. The film tracks the trials of Chava’s childhood, his survival throughhope and the evils of war.
This film has received the full endorsement of Amnesty International as it speaks to the issue of child soldiers, which is something that continues even today. The film also has received many international awards and falls into the same category as a Hotel Rwanda. They are interested in screening this film for ministries/churches that have a heart for social justice and an open mind to use films like this to help change global policy on this important issue. In theaters 10/14/05. Contact Info:Deborah Castillero-Lead BCC Marketing (formerly Maracas Entertainment), phone: 203.956.9918, emailto:dcastillero@optonline.net.
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