Stand Up Against Poverty with Desmond Tutu on Wednesday

As world leaders converge next week at the United Nations for the World Summit, we are planning a convergence of our own. We are thrilled to announce that former Archbishop of Cape Town Desmond Tutu will be joining Jim Wallis and other faith leaders at noon on Wednesday, Sept. 14, at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza (47th St. and 2nd Ave in Manhattan), and you are invited.
The Wednesday event - a memorial service for the survivors and victims of poverty worldwide - will launch Three Days of Prayer and Fasting: An Interfaith Vigil to Overcome Global Poverty, from Sept. 14-16 (full schedule of events here). We believe that with God's grace, this event will be a powerful testimony to the Bush administration and to world leaders that people of faith are standing together to make poverty history.
Let's make this event a success!
Tell 10 friends. Click here to pass along this message to your friends, family, and anyone who shares your vision that we have the power and moral obligation to make poverty history in our time.
Tell your church this weekend. Please click here to print out a flyer of the events, make copies of them, and announce Wednesday's event in your faith community on Sunday. The bigger the turnout, the stronger our witness.
Join us! We hope you will be able to join us on Wednesday at noon, and for as much of the rest of the week as you can. If you're able, please consider fasting for all or part of the three days. Click here to declare to President Bush your intention to fast.
These events will take place as world leaders re-evaluate the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) a few blocks down the street at the United Nations. The MDGs are an agreement between more than 190 nations around the world to work toward eight key goals, including cutting extreme global poverty in half by 2015, promoting women's empowerment, ensuring quality health care, and fostering sustainable development. For more on the MDGs, please click here.
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